When I was awarded the fellowship the deal
I made with myself was to get to the office
at Purchase at least one day a week. Well,
this week stuff intervened and I never got
there and that feels pretty bad. Not that I didn't
work on my projects. I did. And I don't have
to go to that office to do the work, to write.
In fact, it's a schlep. But it's a good schlep.
And I want to schlep there. I'd like to schlep
more than one day a week, but there's
work and family and now the leaves-- oh those leaves.
Which are nearly gone, thank goodness. Except
for the damn oak. Its leaves hang on till
December. Anyway, there's always this coming
week. And by hook or crook, I will spend time
in that office. I will be a good fellow!
PS...happy halloween...don't you love this photo.
From the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia.