get away from the crowd
away from the same old same old
to a new scene, new sights
with exotic
you crave new
when you hit the road
you see things differently
perhaps the truth depends upon a walk around the lake —notes toward a supreme fiction
Spent a rainy Saturday wandering among ancient Greek and Roman artifacts with W & S. The Metropolitan Museum was packed. We looked and talked. It was a good good day. Later I thought of this poem.
Archaic Torso of Apollo
We cannot know his legendary head
with eyes like ripening fruit. And yet his torso
is still suffused with brilliance from inside,
like a lamp, in which his gaze, now turned to low,gleams in all its power. Otherwise
the curved breast could not dazzle you so, nor could
a smile run through the placid hips and thighs
to that dark center where procreation flared.Otherwise this stone would seem defaced
beneath the translucent cascade of the shoulders
and would not glisten like a wild beast’s fur:would not, from all the borders of itself,
burst like a star: for here there is no place
that does not see you. You must change your life.Rainer Marie Rilke, trans. by Stephen Mitchell
I think I know what sort of person I am. But then I
when he or she hears this or that to my credit, for
instance that I have a position at the university: the
fact that I have a position at the university will appear
to mean that I must be the sort of person who has a
position at the university. But then I have to admit,
with surprise, that, after all, it is true that I have a
position at the university. And if it is true, then perhaps
I really am the sort of person you imagine when you
hear that a person has a position at the university. But,
on the other hand, I know I am not the sort of person
I imagine when I hear that a person has a position at
the university. Then I see what the problem is: when
others describe me this way, they appear to describe
me completely, whereas in fact they do not describe
me completely, and a complete description of me
would include truths that seem quite incompatible with
the fact that I have a position at the university.
NB: I don't in fact have a position at a university, well, maybe sometimes, in that I teach every other semester or so, on occasion, a writing course so does this make me someone with a position at a university because in fact it is a university and I do on occasion teach there so perhaps I am, like the prose poem character, a person with a position at a university although my position comes and goes but perhaps that doesn't matter in the definition of a person with a position at a university. Indeed, I could be considered by some such a person and this is what happens when you run and listen to poetry and poets talking about poems you come back and write stuff like this. I like the poem though because it pokes fun at people with positions in the university as well as people without positions in the university.