Libra Horoscope for week of January 1, 2009
"God calls you to the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet," wrote Frederick Buechner. You're free to ignore that call, of course. You can pretend that you don't really know what brings you deep gladness, and you can act as if the world's deep hunger is of no concern to you. But if you hope to be proud of the life you have lived when, many years from now, you shed your mortal coil, I advise you to at least experiment with using Buechner's formula as a working hypothesis. The coming year will be en excellent time to do just that.
Don't know about the god part, but I like the thought of next year/tomorrow being about experimentation, about collaboration, about constructing hypothesis, about work.
There's an urgency now too that needs attention. And possibility, always!